Are you ready to unlock the secrets to a

Thriving Marriage


Break Free

from what's holding you back?

Hi, I'm Julie

I have been a licensed therapist for nearly 8 years working in the field for 9 years AND am trained as a leadership coach. I am also a wife of 9 years to my best friend, a mother of 6 years and have unfortunately been divorced.

I have gone through significant marital struggles with my current husband and I know that If I hadn’t done my own work on my own marriage… I would not be married today and would have just repeated an old pattern.


When COVID hit, my marriage became incredibly fragile and unstable. I was struggling big time and often felt I was on the brink of divorce.

Since I had been divorced before, this was already there in my mind and heart as a way out and an available option for me.

My ex husband was verbally, emotionally and physically abusive to me and I had unknowingly brought all of that baggage and relational trauma into my current marriage. This was also an unfortunate part of my story that I hadn’t realized that I had not fully healed from.

So in my current marriage, between the constant fighting and awkward silence, I felt so lonely and like I couldn’t connect with my husband anymore. I told myself he couldn’t possibly understand what I was going through.

Covid pushed me into the role of breadwinner in our family and I did not want to fill those shoes. I felt tremendous pressure and resentment, I didn’t feel I could share it with him because he was struggling too.

His pain about his career disappointments were too big for me to carry as well. So instead I buried my pain and chose to believe the lies, that “he didn’t care about me”, “it was up to me to do everything alone” and “he could never understand what I was going through”.


Most of these false narratives were OLD lies from my old story and were literally causing me to think about divorce almost daily.

I knew that was not God’s plan for me and I knew God wanted us to be together and raise our daughter, but I couldn’t shake the thought that, “being without him, would be better”.

The longer I held on to that belief, the deeper depressed and angry I felt. The lies were crippling me, causing me more pain and keeping me stuck.

However, I was able to have a RADICAL change in my own heart and MARRIAGE as I began to do the work I needed to on myself.

As I began to heal with God at the center; I reclaimed the truth in my story and knew that divorce was no longer going to be an option for me.

Connecting my current struggle to my past relational trauma and to God’s truth made ALL the difference. It also allowed me to walk more closely with God in bravery and empowerment instead of living powerless and trapped by my own fear and baggage.

I had clarity and truth as my guide instead of being blocked by my own pain and the lies I was telling myself.

From my own journey, I was able to design my coaching program and my Free and Transformed Marriage Method which helps other Christian couples save their marriages and restore relationships.

Now, nearly 10 years in the helping profession I have acquired tons of information from my years in the mental health and coaching profession, learning from colleagues, books and from 10,000+ hours of sessions with my clients.

I have had a front row seat of witnessing my clients get amazing results sitting face to face with couples and individuals struggling with:

Trauma & Loss

Blended Families


Emotional Betrayal and Infidelity

Marital and Relationship Struggles

Identity Issues

Career and Financial Struggles

ADHD, PTSD, Bi-polar and all types of addiction

So when I paired my years of experience as a therapist and coach with neuro-based science and the Gold of all the skills I had learned….the whole game changed and I was able to offer something NEW, streamlined, God Centered and far superior for my clients.

This process will absolutely save you TIME, MONEY and will Save YOU from further PAIN and I cannot wait to share it with you!

Love Julie

Love Julie

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