Are you ready to unlock the secrets to a

Thriving Marriage


Break Free

from what's holding you back?

Are you ready to unlock the secrets to a

Thriving Marriage


Break Free

from what's holding you back?


Before my husband and I were married we wanted to find a counselor whom we could not only hope it understands the blended life we were about to create, but also help us navigate through it in a way that gave us tools to have a healthy marriage and blended family dynamic.

We were introduced to Julie and did several day intrusives with her, and have continued with counseling dung out dating, engagement and marriage. I personally been to many counselors in my past as I have walked through years and years of different traumas and difficult things. However, Julie was different from anyone I had ever gone to!!

Julie is caring, compassionate and kindly direct and she has a wealth of knowledge on how to not just talk about your problem but to help heal from the inside out. The tools that she equipped myself and also my husband with have been absolutely life-changing! l will forever be grateful to her for the "new me" she has helped bring about. I am truly the freest and happiest I have ever been!


When I began Julie's coaching program, Story Aware Relationships, I had my happy face on for the world, but inside I was struggling, sad, and withdrawing.

Grieving the decline in closeness that was once in my marriage, I desperately needed to do something to make things better with my husband.

Gratefully, the Lord put Julie in my path. Julie has combined her compassion, Godly wisdom, and experience as a therapist to create the perfect coaching program for Christian women.

Julie gently explores your story, gives you the science behind what is happening with your thoughts, and gives you skills to help get out of the negative thought cycles you may be in. If you are ready to take ACTION toward healing your marriage with a
God-centered coach, I urge you to take the step toward healing with Julie.

Working with Julie was like seeking Godly counsel from a trusted

mentor and friend. Will forever be grateful.

Thank you, Julie!


I highly recommend working with Julie. She is efficient, honest, and truly cares about the state of Christian marriages in our culture today. Run, do not walk to work with her


Julie gave me the tools to reprogram my thinking by reminding me that God is enough, even when I don't feel that I am. You need to go to the workshop to get the tools. They are wonderful and are giving me confidence for when those feelings of inadequacy resurface. I'm so thankful I went to her Story Workshop!


Working with Julie has transformed how I view myself and how I relate to people around me. As a coach I feel she does more than just listen - she analyzes and helps design winning strategies. She observes the game and then watch the film!! She creates an environment of theological truth, loving encouragement, wise counsel, and psychology together that has given me the power to act and create change in any situation I face whether it be in my marriage, friendships or work environment. She is the real thing!


This program and you have changed the trajectory of my whole life. It causes me to want to rise up and be a better version of myself daily. I will forever be grateful that God placed you in my path. Thank you so much for all that you do.


The story reclamation experience was hard, but seeing the negative patterns I was living and coming to terms with those negative beliefs about myself and my past was my transformation. I saw how my beliefs were not coming from God and that was foundational for me. I had to work through that…to see it. I feel at peace with my past now and I could not be happier right now. Only God can do that and change you that much that quickly.


I’ve started the lessons and what I have listened to has been amazing!!! I can't begin to tell you the lightbulbs that have gone off in my head. I have done so many things wrong for so many years! Have you thought about writing this as a book? It would definitely be a bestseller. I just wanted to share.


Really digging into both of our stories to have more awareness over how it has shaped our reactions to things that are more about past traumas than the thing itself has been huge for us. It has allowed us to focus on those things to truly heal from them and be more intentional about our reactions, our empathy/grace with each other, and our understanding of how each of our stories has shaped us. Every couple (and individual) would be highly benefited from doing the work to heal from things that rear their ugly head in situations they don’t belong.

-former couple client, Melody and J-

My weekend with my husband was SO SO good and I don't think we've had a weekend like that in a very long time. He said our marriage has changed...He said, 'it feels like when I come into a room now you don't want to leave anymore.' His health has also improved!!...He said he feels like it's the changes in our marriage is helping with his health...Things are changing and I am really enjoying being with him and we have connection now. We are working together's been amazing to watch God move in such an incredible way in our lives!


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