Christian or Faith Based women professionals who know they are ready for something different and are unfortunately done with WAITING and HOPING for their husband to change and are done with putting all of the blame onto others
Christian or Faith Based wives who know they are ready for something different and are unfortunately done with WAITING and HOPING for their husbands to change and are done with putting all of the blame onto others
Christian or Faith-Based women professionals who don't feel good about what is happening in their marriages and are actively looking to make changes… but don’t want to divorce. They are aware on some level that something is holding them back and keeping them "stuck".
Christian or Faith-Based wives who don't feel good about what is happening in their marriages and are actively looking to make changes… but don’t want to divorce. They are aware on some level that something is holding them back and keeping them "stuck".
Christian or Faith Based women professionals who are hard workers, motivated and ready to take ACTION and who are looking to grow; as they believe God has called them to more in their marriage AND they WANT MORE.
Christian or Faith Based wiives who are hard workers, motivated and ready to take ACTION and who are looking to grow; as they believe God has called them to more in their marriage AND they WANT MORE.
In case you didn’t know, most therapists cannot incorporate biblical and faith based principles as they work with their clients because of ethical and legal license parameters when it comes to religion.
As a coach, I have found an important purpose, niche and way to help people connect, by blending scriptural truths with my own story, experience and knowledge and can NOW offer it to you.
As a licensed therapist and coach I know a lot about what works and doesn’t work in a therapist office. The issue with talk and couples therapy is that it doesn't get to the heart of where our pain and emotions actually live in the brain and body.
You can’t talk yourself well, I often say, ‘we must feel it to heal it’ and this is well documented and supported by research.
Talk therapy primarily keeps us in our logic and head, instead of in our heart and body-where change and healing happens.
Couples therapy also has one of the lowest success rates as it most often uses outdated science and can stir up significant reactive emotions.
A lot of couples counselors or church counselors are unfortunately not trauma informed, nor do they have the appropriate training or know how to handle high emotions without getting triggered themselves. This leaves so many couples feeling more lost and hopeless than when they began therapy in the first place and still stuck.
I provide personalized support, accountability, and feedback to help you feel confident as you SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE with daily and weekly support.
We will use the power of the Holy Spirit to make this process be filled with joy, grace, ease and supernatural results!
My guarantee- You will begin to get the results you want by the end of my 16-week coaching program OR we will continue to work together until you do!
My guarantee- You will begin to get the results you want by the end of my 10-week coaching program OR we will continue to work together until you do!